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000040_bdady@netcom.com_Mon Jan 8 15:41:03 EST 1996.msg
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Date: Mon, 8 Jan 1996 12:40:18 -0800 (PST)
From: Brian Dady <bdady@netcom.com>
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To: lightwave@garcia.com
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Subject: Re: Null modem
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On Mon, 8 Jan 1996, Justin Barrett wrote:
> At 04:17 AM 1/7/96 -0500, Jeff wrote:
> >Can anyone tell me what is involved with a null modem setup? -- cabling,
> >cards, etc.
> Here's a cheap and dirty way to go...just chain the phone line from one
> computer to the other. I've got my phone going from the wall, through the
> PC modem, and over to the Amiga modem. I load the terminal software on
> both, type ATA on the PC (but no Enter yet!), and ATD on the Amiga. Then I
> poise myself between both computers, and hit Enter first on the PC, then the
> Amiga. Once I hear the modems whining back and forth, I unplug the phone
> cord from the wall (the dial tone is needed to start the whole thing). Then
> I can upload & download from one to the other.
> Yes, I know, it's a little convoluted, and not nearly as fast as a
> null-modem or regular network setup (my modems are only 14.4K). But then
> again, I don't do a whole lot of cross-platform transferring. For the few
> times I do, this does the trick.
> ---< Justin Barrett - Free Spirit Productions >---
Actually, with a null-modem cable you don't need a modem. I used to
connect PC's together using Crosstalk and transfer files back and forth.
I don't know if the Comm software has to specifically support this
configuration or not, but I know Crosstalk would do it.
Brian Dady --* Video Magic / modeller ///
Santa Clara, California / animator ///
Email: bdady@netcom.com / S/W dev \\\///